Friday, April 24, 2009

Old posters & artwork

Some old posters and artwork from the Fingerspitzen... era, enjoy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Live från Helvetet

This is a song called Paper Walls from the forthcoming album. Recorded in front of 15 screaming fans on a sunday night at a club that didn't even have a fucking bass amp. "A line-box is good, you won't be dissapointed". Yeah right... We always love to play though and cheers to the brave ones that dared to come out to see us!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Micke guesting MOT'R

Micke made a guest appearence with MOT'R singing Kill The Poor by Dead Kennedys this Friday. MOT'R is the new project by Lingua/Come Sleep. They celebrated singer Tompa's and guitarist Misha's thirtieth birthdays and as you can see on the picture Misha was very happy about the fluids running around in his body.