This self-titled debut album from Switch Opens is unquestionably a curious, unpredictable and ostentatious offering of the grandest proportions that appears to have divided opinions in the Über Röck camp, the obvious question being "Am I in the love it or hate it camp?"
Although 'Switch Opens' is technically their debut album, the Swedish rockers have released a further two albums under the outlandish moniker Fingerspitzengefuhl, apparently deciding on a name change after discovering it means something offensive in certain parts of the world (I've tried Googling it but to no avail, fellow smut peddlers).
The artwork to the album features an illustration of a man flicking a switch attached to his brain, and nothing could be more appropriate as you open your mind to 'Switch Opens' and prepare yourself be taken on a musical voyage of the bizarre and insane ranking a full number 9 on mind fucking scale of magnitude.
Album opener and, incidentally, album highlight is the joyous wonder of 'Express Death', an impressive, rollercoaster ride of flamboyant, progressive rock that features a fantastic Geddy Lee-esque vocal technique that fits the song effortlessly.
We are next greeted by the sensational, stoner, space rock triumph of 'Pyramids' featuring an almost death metal growl from vocalist/bassist Jesper Skarin. 'Paper Walls' meanwhile are something you certainly don't want fitted in your new semi Barrett home if Switch Opens are your new neighbours as they plunge you back into death metal territory, but not before fusing it with a huge wedge of stoned-as-fuck progressive rock just for good measure.
'He Dives Down' evokes memories of flared jeans, platform boots and for some follically challenged Über Röck scribe's flowing curtain locks of hair, as Switch Opens descend into a Seventies Sabbath doom laden groove.
As the nine minute 'Terra Incognita' leads you down an atmospheric passage of musical distinction you could be forgiven for thinking that you were listening to a vintage instrumental number from King Crimson before it transforms into a true majestic rock belter.
'Lucky Me Lucky You' is a more straight forward up tempo rock number featuring a more punked up, screaming vocal style than the rest of the album; that leads nicely into the heavy groove of 'Super Globe Of Pain'. 'The Electric Hour' finishes the album in fine style, imploding in a mass of psychedelic, progressive, metal splendour.
The verdict on Switch Opens from this Über Röcker is....I fucking love 'em; in a world of musical mediocrity Switch Opens hold a rare glimpse of true sanctuary.
Written by David Whistance
Über Rock